JavaScript Notes
This is a complete collection of all the personal notes that I took during the time I was learning JavaScript. It contains the information on web development in JavaScript, using ES5 and ES6+ methods.
This collection is a great way to get familiar with JavaScript if you're a beginner, or if you want to refresh your JavaScript knowledge.
- Primitive Data Types
- Variables
- Operators
- Arrays
- Objects
- Functions
- Loops
- Common Methods
- DOM Manipulation
- Syntax Parser
- Creation phase
- Lexical Environment
- Creation and hoisting
- Execution stack
- Variable scope
- The scope chain
- Closures
- Closures and callbacks
- bind(), call(), and apply()
- Functional programming
- Objects
- JSON and Object Literals
- Functions are objects
- Function statement vs. function expression
- By value vs. by reference
- The keyword arguments and the spread operator
- Inheritance
- Primitive or object
- Function constructors and the keyword new
- Prototype
- Built-in function constructors
- Classes
- Static methods
- Polyfill
- Strict mode